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We accept wide payment methods, choose your favorite any below while checkout.
- Cash on Delivery (COD)
To upgrade your shopping experience, BROSintl® now accept Cash on Delivery orders for some specific regions and countries, choose your preference to check out. While choosing Cash on Delivery orders, you agree our terms and services.
- Credit Card
Encrypted through the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). Your purchase transaction data is stored only as long as is necessary to complete your purchase transaction. After that is complete, your purchase transaction information is deleted.
- PayPal
Our PayPal account is, secured by PayPal.
- Payoneer
Our Payoneer Account:
Company Name: BROS International Co Limited
Please quote your order number while making Payoneer transfer. After your transfer, please inform us again to with your order number, and you will get email confirmation in 1 business day.
- Bank Wire Transfer (T/T)
Please quote order number while making transfer. And use the below BROS International Co., Limited company account only for payment for your security, thank you.
T/T Bank Account:
Beneficiary Name: BROS International Co., Limited
Beneficiary Bank Name: HSBC Hong Kong
Beneficiary Bank Address: 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
SWIFT Address: HSBCHKHHHKH (for telegraphic transfers)
Account Number: 801-418203-838
After payment, please submit transfer receipt to with your order number for double confirmation within 1 business day.
- Western Union Transfer
Our payment name is JIAN YANG (the first name is JIAN, the last name is YANG)
Address: Room 603, Taifeng Building, No. 38 Dongsheng North Street, Wanggang, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, 510440, China
Tel: +86 13316160087
After your Western Union Transfer, please submit your transfer receipt to with your order number, and you will get email confirmation in 1 business day.
Thank you again for shopping with BROSintl®, buy from China factory.